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Combined Guest Hack For ZT Community

Started by Jay, January 04, 2021, 03:24:17 AM

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Combined Guest Hack For ZT Community

Author: Jay, fern, and Casey

Keywords: Hack

Release date: January 4, 2021

Current ztd date: October 20, 2020

Zip size: 9.72 KB

Compatibility: CC or MM

Description: ZT does not allow having more than one hack of the same type at the same time. In order to have guests sit on user made benches or at user made tables, lines have to be added to ZT's guests.ai file, which makes it a guest hack. A number of user made benches and tables were created in the early days of ZT. People attempted to put more than one in their ZT at the same time and guests would become stuck at benches or tables because of having multiple guest hacks. This download combines all of the bench and table guest hacks that we know about. It includes ones from the early days of ZT as well as some new ones. As designers create new ones in the future, they can let us know to include them in this combined guest hack. This guest hack also includes one other guest related change. When a user made predator animal is created that has man guests as prey and that animal catches a man guest, ZT shows its animation where a lion catches the man guest. That has confused some people, seeing the user made animal temporarily change into a lion. This combined guest hack changes the animation shown to be the fight cloud animation that is used when some of ZT's animals catch a man guest. That will also be shown when ZT's lion catches a man guest. But that will not change what happens for any other ZT animal that catches the man guest.

This combined guest hack can be used in CC or MM. But I do not recommend using it in DD or the original ZT because MM and CC had to change things in the guests.ai file to support tanks and I do not know if those changes would cause problems in DD or the original ZT.

This combined guest hack only includes guest hacks that were additional lines to ZT's guests.ai file. It does not include guest hacks that changed guests.ai lines. Those guest hacks include Animals As Guests Hack, Anti-puke Guest Hack, Gorillas As Guests Hack, Happy Guest Hack, Pixiggers World Scenario Guest Hack, and Speedy Guest Hack. So this combined guest hack cannot be used at the same time as one of those guest hacks.

Below is a list of the user made benches and tables currently supported by this combined guest hack. Currently, all user made benches and tables use guest graphics that come with ZT. The "graphics type" column contains a letter representing which ZT guest graphics are used for that bench or table. The ZT guest graphics used for each letter are:

b: ZT's bencheat0,bencheat1,benchenergy0,benchenergy1
g: MM's gssit used instead of bencheat0,bencheat1,benchenergy0,benchenergy1
p: ZT's picniceat0,picniceat1,picniceat2,picniceat3,picnicenergy0,picnicenergy1,picnicenergy2,picnicenergy3

Here is the list of user made benches and tables currently supported by this combined guest hack:

internal name: graphics type: object type: ztd date tested: purchase cost: purchase menu name (dll): ztd (zips)

0dda104w: p: table: 2020-10-20: 95: Picnic Table (ZT): WorkingScottishFeastTable.ztd (WorkingScottishFeastTable.zip)
1088620w: p: table: 2020-10-20: 95: Picnic Table (ZT): WorkingTartanCandleTable.ztd (WorkingTartanCandleTable.zip)
1112d112: b: bench: 2020-12-05: 100: Starbucks Bench (langdj_pluffs.dll): StarbucksBenchBydj_pluffs.ztd (StarbucksBenchBydj_pluffs.zip)
1B620299: b: bench: 2020-12-11: 150: Stone Bench (DD or langdj_pluffs.dll): StoneBenchBydj_pluffs.ztd (StoneBenchBydj_pluffs.zip)
1fe9105w: p: table: 2020-10-17: 80: Picnic Table (ZT): RBWorkingRainbowTableBV2.ztd (RBWorkingRainbowTableBV2.zip)
2bff4e2w: b: bench: 2020-10-17: 60: Large Bench (ZT): RBWorkingRainbowBenchBV2.ztd (RBWorkingRainbowBenchBV2.zip)
3E3E8BC4: b: bench: 2020-12-09: 100: McDonald's Bench (langdj_pluffs.dll): McDonaldsBenchBydj_pluffs.ztd (McDonaldsBenchBydj_pluffs.zip)
4A7AF0AF: b: bench: 2020-12-11: 100: Large Bench (ZT): PizzaHutBenchByDevonaAndMarkBell.ztd (PizzaHutBenchByDevonaAndMarkBell.zip)
8196102w: g: bench: 2020-10-17: 50: Large Bench (ZT): gcWorkingAtlantiaBench.ztd (gcWorkingAtlantiaBench.zip)
86ae9026: b: bench: 2020-08-09: 40: Large Bench (ZT): IceBlueBench_fn.ztd (IceBlueBench_fn.zip)
8B5B6985: b: bench: 2020-12-11: 150: Large Bench (ZT): GardenBenchBydj_pluffs.ztd (GardenBenchBydj_pluffs.zip)
DB0E5CC8: p: table: 2020-12-10: 250: Umbrella Table (ZT, but needs lang999-override.dll for tooltip): McDonaldsPicnicTableBydj_pluffs.ztd (McDonaldsPicnicTableBydj_pluffs.zip)
DB150DD0: b: bench: 2020-12-11: 100: KFC Bench (langdj_pluffs.dll): KFCBenchBydj_pluffs.ztd (KFCBenchBydj_pluffs.zip)
E78880C9: p: table: 2002-03-22: 75: Picnic Table (ZT): Blue_Umbrella_Picnic_Bench_v1-0.ztd (taz_mar2-exediffs.zip, taz_mar2.zip)
F4BA718D: p: table: 2020-12-12: 50: Chick-fil-A Picnic Table (LANG--ZKL.dll): ChickFilAPicnicTableByDevonaAndMarkBell.ztd (ChickFilAPicnicTableByDevonaAndMarkBell.zip)
pxbnch91: b: bench: 2020-10-16: 40: Stone Bench (DD): colorswap_ZP_BENCHES.ztd (colorswap_ZP_BENCHES.zip)
pxbnch92: b: bench: 2020-10-16: 40: Stone Bench (DD): colorswap_ZP_BENCHES.ztd (colorswap_ZP_BENCHES.zip)
ZZUmbTbl: p: table: 2006-08-21: 101: Umbrella Table (ZT, but needs lang999-override.dll for tooltip): ZZUmbrellaTable.ztd (ZZParasolTafel_5jaarZTNL.zip)

This combined guest hack does not include any of the above user made benches or tables. It only contains what is needed in ZT's guests.ai file to support having any combination or all of the above user made benches and tables in ZT at the same time. To get any of the above user made benches or tables, you would have to go to whatever ZT site has them or get them from others. But do not run any ".exe" programs or use any ".dll" files that are with any user made benches or tables. The old user made benches and tables often came ".exe" programs or ".dll" files that only worked in old versions of ZT, and will cause sporadic crashes in newer versions of ZT.

Click here to download CombinedGuestHackForZTCommunity.zip

Where to put the ztd: Extract CombinedGuestHackForZTCommunity.ztd from CombinedGuestHackForZTCommunity.zip. Although this could be placed in the dlupdate folder for many user made benches and tables, that is not the best place for it because some old user made benches and tables have their own guest hack that this needs to override. So the best place to put CombinedGuestHackForZTCommunity.ztd is in a hacks or hacks-unused folder. If you do not have a hacks or hacks-unused folder in your ZT folder yet, here is how to set it up, which only needs to be done one time:

1. The zoo.ini file in ZT's main folder needs to be edited. Just to be safe, copy that zoo.ini elsewhere to save as a backup. Depending on how your MS Windows is set up, you might not see the ".ini" part of that file name. If you see 2 files called "zoo", the smaller file is zoo.ini.

2. The zoo.ini file can be edited with any text editor, such as WordPad. The Notepad program can be used instead of WordPad, but WordPad is a little more powerful. As an example of starting WordPad in Windows XP, click start->All Programs->Accessories->WordPad. Starting WordPad in other versions of MS Windows could be different. In WordPad, click File->Open. In the "Open" window, go to ZT's main folder. To do this on my computer, I clicked "My Computer", double-clicked "Local Disk (C:)", double-clicked "Program Files", double-clicked "Microsoft Games", and double-clicked "Zoo Tycoon". I then changed the "Files of type:" setting to "All Documents (*.*)". I then clicked "zoo.ini" and clicked the Open button.

3. There is a line in zoo.ini that starts with "path=". The line is different, depending on the ZT version and whether you have edited the line before. If the line has not been edited before, it looks like this for CC:

No matter how the line looks, we want to add "./hacks;" right after the "=". Although not necessary for CombinedGuestHackForZTCommunity.ztd, it would also be useful to have "./mapmaker;" before "./hacks;" in case you ever want to edit maps. So you would click right after the "=" and type: ./mapmaker;./hacks;
In my case, that line now looks like this:

4. Save the change inside the zoo.ini file. To do this in WordPad, click File->Save. Then close the WordPad window.

5. In ZT's main folder, create a new folder called: hacks

6. Put CombinedGuestHackForZTCommunity.ztd in the hacks folder you created in step 5.

Once the above setup is done, if you ever want ZT not to see the files in the hacks folder, rename the hacks folder to hacks-unused. To have ZT see those files again, rename the hacks-unused folder back to hacks.

Additional note: If you are using CC or MM, I feel CombinedGuestHackForZTCommunity.ztd can be kept in the hacks folder all of the time. It has everything that CC's guests.ai file has, with additional lines. Since CC's guests.ai file has everything MM's guests.ai file has plus some additional lines, this combined guest hack can be used for CC or MM.

Note for ZT designers: If you create a new bench, table, or other guest hack object that allows guests to use the object, please do not release a guest hack of your own. If you do, we will end up having the problems that existed in the early ZT days, where people tried using more than one guest hack at the same time and then had guests get stuck at benches or tables. Instead, please post in the following topic the guests.ai lines you used for testing your bench or table and we will add those lines to this combined hack:


It is not easy to create new benches or tables for guests to use. Unless they are the same shape as one of ZT's benches or tables, using the ZT guest graphics might not look right. So please only request lines to be added to this hack once you have tested those lines in your own version of the combined guest hack to make sure it looks right in ZT.

Note for ZT site download managers: It is okay to include this combined guest hack at your ZT site. But if you do, include a link to this topic, saying that people should check here to see if there is a newer version, since the version at this site will probably be updated before versions at other sites. Also, do not make changes to the combined guest hack you make available at your site. That can cause the problems that existed in the early ZT days such as the ones mentioned above.